BURN DOWN the DiSCO! presents: AN AQUARIAN AFFAIR ~ '80s DANCE PARTY! ~ Reserve a birthday party booth on EventBrite! ~ groove, wave, goth, synth-pop, hip-hop ~ DJ 2shy-shy & DJ melt w/ U ~ FREE! ~ 9:30pm - 2:00am https://www.eventbrite.com/e/burn-down-the-disco-presents-an-aquarian-affair-80s-dance-party-tickets-93881611427 |
Ruled by Uranus, the planet of experimentation, this sign needs lots of variety in its sex life with the stimulation of ongoing excitement and the chance to try out new things. Where casual relationships are concerned, they will often have no compunction about keeping two or more lovers on the go at the same time. Aquarius's sexual style clicks best with Gemini, Leo and Libra.
Join us to celebrate the birth of our favorite Aquarian,
DJ 2shy-shy!
Famous Aquarians include:
Justin Timberlake
Dr. Dre
Chris Rock
John Travolta
Molly Ringwald
Join us to celebrate the birth of our favorite Aquarian,
DJ 2shy-shy!
Famous Aquarians include:
Justin Timberlake
Dr. Dre
Chris Rock
John Travolta
Molly Ringwald