WRITE CLUB! We punch you with our word fists! ~ 6 writers for 7 minutes each in 3 bouts of literary fisticuffs ~ You pick the winners ~ $10 ~ 7pm door ~ 8:00 pm - 9:30 pm | WRITE CLUB SF is back October 20th to celebrate the arrival of fall, pumpkin spice lattes, and dissapointing relationships of convenience. Reluctantly answering the call: Danielle Truppi, Louis Evans, Molly Sanchez, David Beaulieu, Jennifer Dronsky, and Casey Childers. WRITE CLUB is 3 rounds of 2 writers going head to head over a pair of opposing topics with 7 minutes each—7 MINUTES ONLY—to sway the crowd. This month's bouts: SQUASH vs. COAX, FALL vs. RISE, and LEAVES vs. COMES. You pick the winner. Winner's charity gets money. Cool kids sip hot bevs in yoga attire. $5-15 Pay what you can 21+ cash bar, ATM available Doors at 7pm — Show at 8pm Baby-Makin' Slow Jamz by 9:30 |