That person you wanted to hang out with on Valentines Day but couldn't find the courage to ask/knew they would say no to hanging out on the 14th because of implications........ invite them to this. So sneaky//so good. Soothing your lonely, wounded hearts with our angry words. You decide which writer leaves triumphant, and who will go home hating themselves even more than when they left their mom's basement. hey someone bring us chocolates okay i think they go on sale the day after valentines day. -Love, Write Club SF (but mostly Alitzah) | WRITE CLUB! We punch you with our word fists! ~ 6 writers for 7 minutes each in 3 bouts of literary fisticuffs ~ You pick the winners ~ $10 ~ 7pm door ~ 8:00 pm - 9:30 pm It's February! The shortest month of the year, the month where people buy abnormally large teddy bears, the month where you are reminded that you are and will always be completely alone... On that note, 6 writers//3 pairs of opposing topics//7 minutes each!!!! You decide the winner! Winner's charity gets some $$$! This month, we've got: Joy Carletti v Maisha Z. Johnson CHERISH v DESPISE Jim Nelson v Alitzah Oros ACCUSE v DEFEND Kamala Puligandla v Joe Wadlington CLING v RELEASE $5 21+ cash bar, ATM available Doors at 7pm — Show at 8pm Baby-makin' slow jamz by 9:30 The Make-Out Room 3225 22nd St., San Francisco, CA, 94110 |