☆ DARK MATTER!! Not unlike a movie in which heaven & hell are all mixed up and a bunch of freaks from the 1960s are there along with all these decadent euro people from the 1970s set to a soundtrack of obscure int’l psych, latin, jazz, surf, and soundtrack music.
☆ DISC JOCKS Forest "Sikk Laffter" Juziuk and Aaron "Moon Bowl" Lindell play 33 & 45rpm PARTY PLATTERS from the world over! Including (but not limited to): earth shatterers, klangers, weirdo humps, bump und skree. Also Known As: Dancers!
☆ FREE as a fuckin' bird!
☆ DISC JOCKS Forest "Sikk Laffter" Juziuk and Aaron "Moon Bowl" Lindell play 33 & 45rpm PARTY PLATTERS from the world over! Including (but not limited to): earth shatterers, klangers, weirdo humps, bump und skree. Also Known As: Dancers!
☆ FREE as a fuckin' bird!