"ABOUT LAST NIGHT: A One Night Stand Story Telling Series" ~ real people sharing real stories about horrifying one night stands, awkward hookups, & regrettable romps ~ $10 ~
7:00pm doors / 8:00pm showtime! ~ 7:00pm - 9:30pm
7:00pm doors / 8:00pm showtime! ~ 7:00pm - 9:30pm
About Last Night... A monthly San Francisco based one night stand storytelling series. About Last Night features real people sharing real stories about horrifying one night stands, awkward hookups, and regrettable romps. Storytellers are a diverse combination of artists, poets, young professionals, old professionals, actors, comedians, and just plain everyday people. Come join us for a night of complete and utter hysteria And unlike most of your one night stands, we can promise you that you won't regret it! | Have a story you'd like to tell? Visit our website: www.aboutlastnightstorytelling.com |
BOOM! Shak-a-lak-a ~ funk, soul, disco, wave, synth-pop, hip-hop, groove, international ~ DJ 2shy-shy & DJ melt w/U ~ $5 before 11pm, $10 after ~ 10:00pm - 2:00am What's hotter than Grace Jones riding an inflatable shark in a hot-tub? BOOM! Shak-a Lak-a that's what! Come check out the Friday Night Dance Party that consistently GOES OFF! on the first Friday of the month, immediately following the always HILARIOUS and sometimes SHOCKING one-night-stand story-telling series ABOUT LAST NIGHT! |