Litquake presents: Dancing About Architecture: A Night of Music Writers
(Rachel Frankel, Sam Barry, Eric Shea, Joel Selvin, Emma Silvers) ~
FREE! ~ $5/$10 Donation Requested ~ 6:30pm - 10:00pm
(Rachel Frankel, Sam Barry, Eric Shea, Joel Selvin, Emma Silvers) ~
FREE! ~ $5/$10 Donation Requested ~ 6:30pm - 10:00pm
"Writing about music is like dancing about architecture." —Attributed to either Laurie Anderson, Steve Martin, Frank Zappa, Martin Mull, Elvis Costello, Thelonious Monk, Clara Schumann, Miles Davis, or George Carlin. But it doesn't really matter who said it. We still need people writing about music. Much more so than dancing about architecture. Tonight you can hear some of the best, sharing some of their latest. With Sam Barry, Writer, Rachel Frankel, Joel Selvin, Emma Silvers, and Denise Sullivan. Hosted by Gabe Meline, with live music from Dawn Riding.