LAST NITE | 2000s Indie Dance Party w/ DJs Jamie Jams & Rocky ~ $10 door, $5 adv. ~
Tickets: 10:00pm - 2:00am
Tickets: 10:00pm - 2:00am
"Well, folks, the snake has officially reached its tail. The crew behind the '90s-themed Debaser party has gotten together to create "Last Nite," a brand new event that, much like its parent, is dedicated to reviving a specific moment in time. In this case, it's all about that brief period in the early-'00s when garage rock, dance punk, and electroclash all emerged and combined to form the soundtrack to the-then nascent hipster lifestyle. Resident DJs Jamie Jams and EmDee will be on hand to take you back to the days when "deck" was almost an adjective." - Derek Opperman, SF Weekly "Oh gawd it's here: let the retro-00s (retr00s?) commence! Jamie Jams and Emdee, the fiendish minds behind seminal '90s revival party Debaser, kick it into the Interpol-Shins-Strokes-White Stripes era and take you slightly back to "a time when punks suddenly remembered how to dance" — you could still hear guitars on the radio." - Marke B., SF Bay Guardian For more info: | DJs Jamie Jams and Rocky bring you all the hits from a time when punks suddenly remembered how to dance. It's like we ate Pitchfork, stole your iPod and then rode off on your track bike. $10, $5 adv. Be our friend! |